lunes, 3 de mayo de 2010


Everything began when one of my better friends said to me one day: " … you have soul of gossip girl in model's body ". I took it to evil and he answered me: " ... but silly, it is better to have soul of gossip girl in model's body, that model's soul in body of gossip girl" … and this way it began everything.
I thought why not to extract benefit? . Always has bothered enormously the myth of the beautiful woman. What you think, that the models haven’t popo, do not belch and do not get up with circles? .I am not a model but more of once I have been judged as such and clear, image the surprise…With Lili … I try to demythologize the beautiful woman. She does everything unimaginable contrasting with her delicate and feminine aspect.
This way rise the sketch the toalet, due to the great success of this one, I think in continuing creating more sketchs, and it was at the time when rise the need to associate with someone in order that the project was growing. That person could be a very special someone, that not only to inspire love of Lili, he also understood perfectly the project, and was there where Maximo appeared, partner actor, with whom already had worked previously, even director and excellent photographer. And in this way, He was who introduce the audivisual part in the piece.
Nuria de Luna

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